At this evening's family party, during a conversation about declining standards in speech, my brother-in-law Carl (there's an Old Norse name: karl means man, male or freeman) says to me: 'You always say “longer” instead of “lonGer”, I'm not saying you're wrong but it just doesn't sound right to me.' Hah! Well, we no longer settle these disputes with holmanags (a Viking duel on an islet) or blood feuds but, just so you know what we're going about, I've tried to pronounce the two versions, press each word to hear the pronunciation: I'd describe the difference as a soft 'g' in my version, a hard 'g' in
Carl's. My brother Bill, who lived near Wigan for a while, tells me that
this is the Lancashire pronunciation. Carl's family tree research has
repeatedly taken him to Wigan and I It probably goes right back to the Viking invasions: the Danes raided Yorkshire, naturally enough, from the east in 875, while the later Norse settlement of Lancashire came from the west - part of the colonisation that took in Orkney, Shetland, Iceland, the Isle of Man and Ireland. I wonder if 'g' is still pronounced more softly in Denmark than in Norway. Barbara's mum's sofa (right) is also from Ikea. Dry Brush
I didn't really succeed in getting my brush flowing before the clouds moved and the late afternoon light failed.
Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk |