Richard Bell's Wild West Yorkshire nature diary
Wednesday, 2nd May, 2007 I start with a dip pen and Nan-King Indian ink, my current favourite as it flows so well, dries reasonably quickly and gives a dense black. Unlike the Noodler’s it doesn’t have a tendency to run into the paler washes. All the efforts I made to get to know my way around my pocket-sized watercolour box have paid off, because the colours are now in a logical order and I know where to go to get, for example, a cooler slightly yellower blue or a warmer, slightly redder version. Useful to know when you’re mixing greens. Don’t think that the rave reviews and success of Rough Patch
have gone to my head, I haven’t gone out and bought a second wheel
barrow; the one behind the crab apple tree is one that my mother-in-law
was given years ago and, as it just sat in her outhouse, she asked us
if we’d But I’d find it hard to throw out our old one - currently full of hawthorn logs which are destined to become a habitat pile - which was the cover star on my garden wildlife sketchbook. By the way, Rough
Patch has just been re-launched at a new, lower price; £8.95.
You can order a copy from my Willow
Island website, while stocks last. |