Bins & Barrows |
Richard Bell's Wild West Yorkshire nature diary, Wednesday, 12th September, 2007 |
CAN SEE that I should be rebuilding these compost bins with the timber that
I begged from my neighbour, but I realised that it was about time that I gave
myself an hour or so to draw, rather than start the next task.
I wrote that in my sketchbook, I heard a single heard a single piping note,
what old bird
books might have described as a ‘plaintive piping’,
and this was repeated every second or two, giving the impression that the bird
was peeved, upset and complaining about something. It flew directly over
my head in a straight line at about 60 feet.
It was brownish with no obvious marking and about the size of a blackbird. I couldn’t make out the shape of the bill.
A sandpiper?
I've drawn our wheelbarrows on a number of occasions and the older of the
two appears on the cover of Rough Patch but today I had my first ever
enquiry relating to them, from a 'Telly Business consultant'
in Bamenda, in the north west highlands of Cameroon, a place
which I know only through the books (The Overloaded Ark, The Bafut
Beagles and A
Zoo in my Luggage)
and television films of Gerald Durrell.
I am looking for a supplier/manufacturer of good quality of wheel barrows. who can handle good quality of 30,000 wheel barrows. If your esteemed company can handle this let me know.
It's a shame that I have just the two available.