Finding my Feet |
Richard Bell's Wild West Yorkshire nature diary, Sunday, 23rd September, 2007 |
GOOD TO come back to book orders and more developments in geoconservation in
West Yorkshire but, with all that catching up on top of the unpacking, it always
takes me a while to come back down to earth and get to grips with things after
even a short trip away.
Barbara's mum has been looking after some pots of herbs for us and I drew my left hand (as I generally do when there's nothing more suitable around to draw) while we sat with a mug of tea eating one or two of the Welsh Cakes that we'd brought back with us.
Seeing different places and meeting new people always makes me think of my own work in a different way and I've got fresh ideas on the way I'm going to approach my current book ideas.
Hope I get back into production soon.