'GARDENERS' WORLD' this evening, Carol
Klein reminded
us that a green garden isn't one that you buy in, it's one that you propagate
yourself and add to by exchanging your home-grown plants with friends.
Even so, we couldn't resist the plug plants, £1.99 for a tray of 15,
offer when we popped into the Netto supermarket this morning. We went
rosso lettuce (left) and green
cabbage; vigorous little plants that are just ready
for pricking out into compost. They're ingeniously planted in a mini-plastic
in tiny cone-shaped
plastic trays that exactly match the shape of the plastic dibber we
keep in
the greenhouse.
The trays sit in water-retaining gel. It should be easy to re-use these
mini-propagators so we're intending to plant them with rocket
and basil.
We're also got lots of vegetable seeds ready to sow but
it's good to have 15 lettuces up and growing instantly on the kitchen
and 15 cabbages in small pots under cover in a couple of plastic seed-tray
propagators in the greenhouse.