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Drawing the Right Hand with the Left

Richard Bell’s Wild West Yorkshire nature diary Saturday, 26th July 2008

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BETWEEN chatting and eating at a summer evening garden party, I draw my right hand. My right arm still isn’t working as smoothly as I’d like but it’s fine for drawing, however, I want to continue to practice with my left hand.


Hand-Coding versus WYSIWYG


One of the guests is a professional web designer. She definitely wouldn’t join me in going over to using Serif WebPlus X2 as she prefers to hand code her web sites but it suits me because I want to spend most of my time drawing and writing. If a desk-top publishing style programme like WebPlus is willing to do the routine, fiddly parts of web design, like updating the links and exporting images, that gives me more time for the creative side of my online drawing diary.


The HTML code might not be as concise as the hand-coded version but it isn’t too bloated either and it seems to be error-free (except for a few pedantic details that got picked up when I checked out the HTML in  Dreamweaver).


Link: Serif