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Richard Bell’s Wild West Yorkshire nature diary Saturday, 23rd August 2008
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MY MUM’S old Victoria Plum tree, growing against a high, south-
Three reasons why Barbara and her mum think this is their most successful batch of jam so far:
1. Slightly under-
2. We now have a wok burner on our new gas hob which can give an even, controllable heat under our large aluminium jam pan.
3. After so much practice with batches of over-
They had 4lb 4oz of prepared plums to which they added 4lbs of sugar (neither the sugar nor the plums had been heated previously). On a gentle heat, stirring occasionally they brought this to the boil and simmered it very gently until it passed the crinkle test.
Jars: washed in hot water, dried and put in a low oven prior to filling with jam. Wax disks are dropped onto the jam while it’s still hot.
I drew this, with a rather worn 0.5 Staedtler pigment liner, in the evening under artificial light; the jam looked better in the kitchen this morning with the sun shining on it from behind.