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Richard Bell’s Wild West Yorkshire nature diary, Monday, 28th, December 2009, page 2 of 2
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I’M SURPRISED how infrequently I draw people at family gatherings. They’re always on the move, always walking in front of each other so I guess I’d rather draw people in a situation where they’re likely to stay put for at least 2 minutes. Also as I invariably put my drawings online I feel happier drawing in more public places.
Here’s a portrait of one of the ancestors, although not from my side of the clan.
As always my left hand is, well, handy, to draw when people are chatting and I want to keep joining in from time to time.
Mince pies, sherry and armchairs are fine for the festive season but I’m ready for
Ray Mears style honey, banana and peanut butter sandwiches, Earl Grey in a flask
and my folding three-