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Richard Bell’s Wild West Yorkshire nature diary, Sunday, 3rd January 2010
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“I WENT FOR PINK for the dairy,” I tell the Dame, as he arrives for the afternoon
rehearsal, “but Wendy (our producer) tells me that you have so many costume changes
it’s impossible to colour co-
“Yes, I’ve got lots of costumes,” says the Dame gleefully, “but the one I’m wearing for the dairy is pink.”
So, I hear you asking, how do you set about designing a dairy for a pantomime Dame?
It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be to slip back into panto mode. I thought I’d just have fun and incorporate as many features and building materials as I could but the result was too Dickensian; this isn’t Oliver! and pantomime Dames live in a world of bigger, jollier gestures and colour, so luxuriant yellow thatch is going to look better than weathered slates.
Pantomime Dames always have to introduce themselves by walking on and saying ‘Hello,
children I’ve just been milking the cow’ . . . or whatever, so there needs to be
a door in sight, even if it doesn’t work but incorporating a full-
I transfer the door to the left, although I have to give up on making it one of those
stable doors in two sections. I put a heart-
Finally, on the flip side of the village scene, I’ve got Cloudland Castle to paint.
As there’s a long-