Richard Bell's Wild West Yorkshire Nature Diary, Friday, 30th July 2010
NEVER seen anyone sit here drawing,' said one of the nurses on the afternoon
shift. To me, hospital seems the ideal place to practice drawing – assuming
that you're well enough of course – as you've got large stretches of uninterrupted
time. There don't seem to be as many televisions on the wards as there used
to be and the single set at the end of the ward wasn't on, so there isn't that
As, for a change, we're here for the afternoon visiting, we'd parked in a quieter part of the grounds and as we walked under a Turkey oak I picked up this fallen twig to draw. This drawing was made with an ArtPen that I fill with brown Noodler's ink, which is waterproof when dry. I had time to add a watercolour wash before the 90 minutes visiting time came to an end.
For the first time, we took Barbara's mum on a short walk to the end of the
ward and back. Hopefully she will be discharged on Tuesday or Wednesday.