Canal Grass
Wild West Yorkshire nature diary, Wednesday 23rd June 1999
REED CANARY-GRASS grows to a child's height at the canal's edge. Some stands have crimson-washed flowerheads, others are creamy. It's scientific name is Phalaris, but I've heard it described as 'Designer Phragmites' (it's on a smaller scale than Common Reed, a favourite plant for birders) or, from its habitat, 'Canal Grass'.
Now that the flowerheads have opened out it looks to me like an extra tall version of Cocksfoot.
We had views across the length and breadth of West Yorkshire on our walk yesterday, from the cooling towers of Ferrybridge to the wind-turbines of Howarth. Today it is misty, with a gone-to-seed, almost autumnal feel, so that we can't even see as far as the local television mast.
A male Blackcap hops about in the bushes by the stream at the edge of the wood.
In the valley we hear three Yellowhammers in addition to one singing at the edge of the wood. The species must be close to saturation point here, despite the decline in numbers nationally.
The Lapwings on the rushy field now have chicks to defend. One adult circles us, calling in peevish alarm, and settles on the far side of the canal, as if to draw our attention away from the rushes where its young must be hidden.
This is another bird declining nationally. Perhaps this year's mild weather and marshy conditions helped the pair to raise their chicks. Although the open water has now almost gone from this field there is still plenty of soft ground for it to probe for insect food.
Because we generally take a walk in the evening, we've yet to see the flowers of Jack-go-to-Bed-at-Noon (also known as Goat's-beard) this summer. But its sculptural flower-buds and tennis-ball size seedheads are conspicuous in the grass verges.
Richard Bell, wildlife illustrator
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