Rendezvous with Rana

Wild West Yorkshire nature diary, Tuesday 2nd March 1999

frogs gatheringTHE POND BECOMES SUDDENLY POPULAR with Frogs (Rana temporaria) this morning. I count eleven, two arrive as I watch. Plenty of activity but, when I check at the end of the day, no frogspawn. It might appear overnight.

ash treeRain all day, often heavy, but in the late afternoon drizzle there is a chorus of bird song from the wood. Most prominent are the eccentric, thrice repeated phrases of the Song Thrush. In the background a Pheasant gives a grockle.

mallards wood pigeons Three Mallards fly up the valley. A pair of Wood Pigeons have centred their territory on the ivy covered Ash tree at the edge of the wood.

Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator


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