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buttercup leaf

Sketching Weeds

Wednesday, 24th July 2002, West Yorkshire

cow parsleyTry as I may, I don't get nearly as much drawing from nature as I'd like. First the oven broke down, then there was a fault on the phone and today I've had to get down to some research for my next book.

By six o'clock I feel that I've just got to break free and sketch something natural - anything natural.

So, here I am sitting on a sack of wood chippings at the neglected end of the garden sketching cow parsley (rather stunted, since I cut it back a few weeks ago) wrennettles, dock and cleavers. The pony chomps and snorts at the other side of the hedge. A wren emerges from the hedge and I wonder if it might have a nest in there.

pen toppen
Then, would you believe it, the ink cartridge in my pen starts to run out! It's been one of those page

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

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