
Friday, 4th March 2005
Wild West Yorkshire nature diary

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He can only count to twelve - hey, he's only a potato - so press your refresh button to reanimate him.

We all know potatoes have eyes but I didn't appreciate they have a 'top' and 'bottom' end. The 'top' is the rose end from which most of the new sprouts grow.

When you're putting them in a tray to chit them (encourage them to start sprouting) you should put the rose end upwards (Mr Potato-Head was keeping a close check on me as I did it).

This is the first time we've tried this Kestrel variety of second earlies. These should be planted out from mid-March, assuming the soil isn't as cold and wet by then as it is now.

Kestrel second early potatoes

Chitting gets them off to a good start but don't worry if you don't get chance to do this: they'll still catch up. You should put the tray in a light, cool but frost free place. That will have to be the spare bedroom windowsill for us as the greenhouse and shed are still likely to be frosty on some nights.

slugKestrel potatoes have violet eyes. They have creamy flesh and are said to be good all rounder, for boiling, chipping etc and they're good in salads. They're slug resistant.

Potatoheads aren't what they used to be . . .

I first met Mr Potatohead in the mid-1950s, while on holiday in Llandudno. A friend had a set. That was in the good old days when you used a real potato for the body. Next Page

Related Links

The Legend of Mr Potatohead

Growing Potatoes

Richard Bell,

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