There's such a downpour, cascading down the studio skylight windows, flowing in rivulets down the gutters of the road.
After the StormWe can't help thinking that this is some echo, some tail-end of Hurricane Katrina. A rice farming friend from Louisiana writes: We are fine! No rain and just nice breezes on the
day of the hurricane. We are swamped right now with evacuees. We have
180 at our church and I am going to rent a house today to a couple from
New Orleans that have lost everything. . .their business, their home,
everything! They are going to stay here where their son's in-laws live
to try and make some plans for their future. Multiply this problem by
1 million! . . . Today I am going to north La or Miss to get medicine
for the people in nursing homes in Baton Rouge for the patients that have
been brought in from NO. The human suffering is incredible. . . many more
medical people are needed and councilors are needed. Please pray. . .for
the victims and for those trying to help them and those who have some
incredible decisions to make. Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk |