Thursday, 16th February, 1995; Birds in or seen over the garden on: Robin (2), B H Gull, Magpie, House sparrow, Starling, Jay, Kestrel, Carrion Crow, Blackbird, Pheasant, Dunnock, Blue tit, Great tit, Wren. The pressed flowers (left) were pasted into my diary on the page for the 9th February. There's no indication of where they were collected; presumably in the back garden. The flower on the right is a snowdrop but I'm not sure what the other is; it doesn't look to me like anything that would be in flower in February. Wednesday, 14th February, 1990; 'Badger hair 3 yards
from top path, Stoneycliffe Wood' (I later showed this to a badger
expert and was told it was in fact dog hair!). We immediately went out for more peanuts and I drilled an 18 inch length
of larch pole to use as a suet log.
And from my brother Bill's diary . . .
1963 was England's worst winter since 1946/47. On the 20th January, my
brother had amended his pre-written diary entry (it's always tempting
fate to write your diary in advance); 'WENT TO SUNDAY SCHOOL |
NOT | BECAUSE OF BLIZARD OF SNOW.' Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk |