Set in Stone

Tuesday, 21st February 2006

dateAnother date inscribed: today it's mainly been a case of finishing off; for instance, filling in with cement around the edges of the driveway.

Because we had one cracked flag yesterday and because we've been butting up the existing flags as we re-lay them to get rid of the crevices, the final corner of the driveway is like a jigsaw puzzle. Eventually, by pondering, measuring and shuffling and pinching yet another two slabs from behind the garden shed, we get it all to fit snugly.

snowdropsI'm glad that we've put in so much work; the garden was still in a rather overgrown, unkempt state a month ago, living up to the title of my garden sketchbook, Rough Patch.

robinIt looks so much more inviting now, even though there's not much going on at the moment, other than the snowdrops being at their best and all the birds coming to the bird table. But it's a quiet period for most gardens. At least now ours looks cared for and as if the stage is set, ready for something to happen. Next Page

Richard Bell,