only painting that I've done today is the undercoat on the kitchen window,
so before the light faded, I painted this quick sketch of the wood, using
my Pentel waterbrush pen and pocket set of watercolours.
I realise that to avoid the brush syphoning up watercolour in the palette
I need to squeeze it gently to equalise the pressure. After I've pressed
a little water onto the palette, or into the bristles, I press it again,
more gently, on the sides which just enough pressure to let a few bubbles
will rise through the clean water inside brush and stop its tendency to
suck up the paint.

Down the Plug Hole
I was squatting on the worktop to paint the kitchen window this morning,
so when it came to the last bit, the opening part of the window, I put
my feet down into the sink. Bad mistake, when I lifted myself up I put
my weight on the sink - I'll have to go out and buy another plug hole
and its fitting tomorrow morning!!
I like to repair things about the house and garden, as it gives me a
feeling that I'm taking control of my life, and, for green reasons, I
like to keep things going at long as possible. Unfortunately, our old
electric fan-assisted oven was getting beyond repair, with the clock and
now the thermostat in need of replacement. It had lasted 20 years but
today we've had a new one delivered. 
Richard Bell,