are shower clouds sailing in over the Pennines so I haven't set off for
the Peak District but I have a chance to paint the view from the café
at Armitage's Garden Centre at Shelley.
How are they doing with my books? As we get to the book section a man
reaches down to a copy of Rough Patch, riffles the pages in a
desultory fashion, and moves on.
I feel like tapping him on the shoulder: 'Excuse me, do you realise that
you can have that personally inscribed by the author today?'
Euphorbia and Elder
martinii has deep crimson and purple flowers. On Gardener's World,
Sarah Raven was recently suggesting growing a variety
of euphorbias to provide cut flowers throughout much of the year but she
advises that you should wear rubber gloves while handling the plant to
prevent any reaction to the milky sap. And be careful not to inadvertently
rub your face with your hands while you're wearing them.
This elder branch (right) had pushed through
a fence at Springfield Mills, Denby Dale and was unfurling its leaves.

Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk