gullOnion Sets

Wednesday, 26th April 2006

the wood

That's good; books in the post, a twenty year old erratic microwave at the dump . . . we even bought some tomato plants while we were out. It's clouded over so I don't feel too bad about missing the day in the hills. There's always tomorrow. And I've got so much to do here.

We plant onion sets out, putting them just 3 inches apart in staggered rows. This is pretty close but we're using deep beds - well culivated 8 ft x 4ft beds that rarely get trampled on - so the roots can penetrate the soil easily. We could space them out more and get bigger onions but the advantage of doing it this way is that we can a whole bag of onions in an area no bigger that a desktop.


No bigger than a desktop - I was going to write 'the size of a hearthrug' but I guess desktop are more familiar these days. Next Page
Richard Bell,

Tree in the co-op car park Ossett (that's the spire of Holy Trinity in the background).