the first year that we haven't had any frog-spawn in
our pond, though next door they've had plenty, rather late, but they've
had some.
What was the reason? -
Was it too cold? I've heard that it's been our coldest winter for
40 years
Does the pond need weeding? Oxygenating pondweeds have been largely
obliterated by plants that spread over the water surface
Have I trimmed back too much around the pond, not leaving enough
cover for frogs making their way there?
mentions that at the library they've been sent dozens of Springwatch
survey postcards but very few people have picked one up to fill
in. Who can blame them? - spring seems so long in coming.
Forsythia blossom competes with the speed cameras to
produce the most vivid splash of yellow on the road into Wakefield.
A female blackbird pecks at a daffodil
bulb. Presumably there are small invertebrates clinging to it; I don't
think that a blackbird would eat the bulb itself.
As I write a few e-mails before turning in this evening, wind and rain
are rattling on the studio roof. I'm looking forward to spring and better
weather for sketching. 
Springwatch survey
Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk |