Richard Bell's Wild West Yorkshire nature diary
15th April, 2007, my mum's garden
STILL TRYING to get this combination of Noodler’s Ink
and watercolour to work. This isn’t too bad. I think I’ve picked
up a hint of the famously ‘permanent’ and ‘waterproof’
fountain pen ink in the sky wash but that doesn’t matter too much as,
even though it is a warm, sunny morning, there’s a greyish, washed out
cast to the pale blue of the sky.
It’s so warm that it seems surprising that so many trees – I think these are sycamores (right) – are still bare.
great tit and robin are singing. The collared
dove’s call isn’t so musical it’s more like the screech
of brakes, except not as high-pitched.
A peacock butterfly (left) rests on a white Spanish