Snow in SummerMonday 21st August 2000, West YorkshireTHERE ARE TWO UNUSUAL-LOOKING Wagtails on the cricket square. They're duller than usual, with less white on their heads. Then I notice a Pied Wagtail nearby. I realise that these must be two young birds, out with a parent. We sit out for lunch but by mid-afternoon there's a heavy downpour, with a pellet of two of hail. It's a dramatic contrast to the sun this morning, there are soon rivulets in the gutters, but not so dramatic as the weather they've had 30 miles to the east, around the Humber. On the television news there's film of the village of Heddon, near Hull, which gets six inches of soft hail. Rooves and pavements are white, children are out throwing snowballs in the middle of their summer holidays. After such a heavy downpour they soon have flooding. Equally unusual is a perfect tornado, caught on video, wheeling over Cleethorpes, on the south bank of the Humber. This yellow moth has flown in from the rain and I rescue it from the kitchen sink. The yellow on its fur is so bright that I assume that I'll easily identify it, but I'm surprised how many yellow moths there are in the book. Any suggestions please? Related LinksThe Met. Office includes the latest 24-hour forecasts for 16 regions.The BBC Weather Centre offers 5 day forecasts for Doncaster, Huddersfield, Hull, Leeds, Sheffield, Whitby and York and the latest satellite photograph of cloud over Britain.