Wednesday 15th August 2001, West Yorkshire |
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AFTER A SULTRY summer's day, it's a grey, brooding evening. It's unusually quiet, even the chattering House Martins, which would normally be swooping around over the garden, are absent.
We have to retreat inside as the first heavy drops of rain start to shower down on us, and start a relay race getting wine glasses, citronella candles and table cloth back in the kitchen as it quickly turns into a downpour. There's both forked and sheet lightning as the storm moves from west to east over the valley.
Earlier, in the sun, Peacock butterflies fed on local Buddleia bushes. There have been plenty of them, all fresh-looking individuals, during the past few days and this seems to be their main summer emergence.

Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator
E-mail; 'richard@willowisland.co.uk'
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