Old Muckspreader
Sunday 9th September 2001, West Yorkshire |
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WHAT DOES your driveway say about you? This morning an immaculately kept Porsche gleams on the driveway of our neighbours' on one side of us, while on the other side our neighbour Jim is restoring an old muckspreader (on our driveway sits our sky blue Suzuki Wagon R, described by one reviewer as 'having the aerodynamics of a brick'; but we love it).
 Tall Spear Thistles are shedding their downy seeds. Deep purple Elderberries are now ripe on their red stems. Himalayan Balsam is still in showy flower but will soon be cut down by the first sharp frosts.

Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator
E-mail; 'richard@willowisland.co.uk'
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