He could turn on the stern discipline typical of the older generation of teachers, occasionally using a well-aimed piece of chalk or on one occasion a well-aimed blackboard rubber (for those who don't remember them this was a block of wood the size of a bar of chocolate with a felt pad attached), but to tell you the truth he didn't really need to resort to physical violence; we became so used to the signs that his temper was about to explode that my friend Adrian and I nicknamed him 'Tommy-Bomb'. Shaggy Dog StoryOn the other hand, with his gift for storytelling, he could take us out of our dreary everyday world of school. He told us of his days in the Home Guard during World War II and of way back when his boyhood school turned out waving flags to see the launch of the Titanic. I remember a couple of Shaggy Dog Stories - long rambling tales with a humorous denouement - he told, one about the trenches of World War I and one about a murderer on the run. Each afternoon in the week before Christmas he read a chapter from A Christmas Carol. Ebenezer, besides being the grouchy hero of A Christmas Carol, is also a non-conformist chapel, the name deriving from 'the memorial stone set up by Samuel after the victory of Mizpeh (1 Sam. 7:12)', so the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary tells me. Appropriately, as we're remembering Mr Thompson, it can also mean 'anger' and 'temper' in US slang. A Dance with Angela
You see, still word perfect after 40 years; just think how incomplete my education would have been, had it not been for Mr Thompson. That year's concert was also memorable as the only time I've danced on stage. No, don't laugh - I had been sitting forlornly on the substitute bench, my dancing abilities being so abysmal, but, in true Cinderella fashion, when a boy in the top country dancing square dropped out at the last minute not only did I step into the limelight but I also got to partner the alluring Angela - in my opinion the prettiest girl in the class. It had turned out to be quite a Christmas!