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mistle thrush


Friday 8th March 2002, West Yorkshire

celandineThe first lesser celandine I've seen this year is flowering at the entrance to the woods. Recent winds have taken their toll on the crack willows. One has shed a huge limb across the path but someone has chain-sawed it to clear a way through. Other overhanging branches are now looking dangerously close to collapse.

mistle thrush In a tall ivy-covered ash near the canal a mistle thrush is singing. It gets its country name 'stormcock' because it sings in all weathers. There's something about its clear, tumbling song that puts me in mind of the peace and clarity that comes after a heavy spring rain shower.

fieldfares We haven't seen many fieldfares this winter, perhaps this is simply because we haven't got out enough, but there are twenty of them in a valley-side field this afternoon, along with a lapwing and a few wood page

Related Link

StormcockStormcock, was recorded in 1971 at EMI Abbey Road Studios, singer/poet Roy Harper.
'The record was made in the era when I still wasn't used to buying too many guitar strings,' he recalls, 'and I can remember blagging at least three from Hank Marvin who was in studio three with Cliff and the boys.'

The official guide to this folk singer who influenced Led Zeppelin includes mp3 samples of some of his recordings.

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

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