Thorn Branches
These springy looking hawthorn branches are enjoying
their first spring of freedom. They've been in the shade of a large
ash but that was felled last year.
We're at my mother-in-law's but, as usual, when I walked up here
I wore my 8 x 30 binoculars. I say mine but they're an old pair
of Barbara's; she went for a lightweight pair some years ago and
at about the same time I dropped my old pair and they were knocked
out of alignment.
Perhaps not but optically these Carl Zeiss Jena are still very clear.
They were made in East Germany before the Berlin Wall came down.
When I was younger I went for larger 10 X50s. Although they give
that bit more magnification and light-gathering power these days
I prefer to use something more compact that I'm more likely to carry
around with me when I set off out.