I remember that cyclamen
grew at the side of the path through the woods on the way up to
the hill village from our coastal resort on the island of Krk in
pre-conflict Yugoslavia.
I recorded nightingales, lizards
and orchids in my sketchbook as well as fossil
shells in the limestone and a hermit crab down
on the shore.
This cyclamen, a house plant, has magenta pink flowers. The leaves
are variagated in shades of green.
The sea is calling to me today: it's warm and sunny with a breeze
so that it doesn't feel clammy. Now that the schools are back I'd
love to get to the coast and walk from Whitby to Sandsend along
the beach.
I'm preparing the walls on the stairs and landing today and painting
them in Sea Mist a light sea greeny grey from the B&Q
Tate Gallery Cornwall range of rich acrylic matt
That's as near to the sea as I'm going to get. The colour will
be a good background on which to hang my paintings. Especially a
painting of the coast.
A fox calls. It sounds as if it is in the back
garden but it's too dark to see it. Barbara noticed that something
had been digging up bulbs in flowerbed under the bird table today.