Watercolour of the Wood

Sunday, 27th March 2005
Wild West Yorkshire nature diary

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watercolour of the wood


We've got both mums (above, with friend Thelma and Barbara) around for Easter Day but that doesn't mean that I can't find 15 minutes after dinner to make a watercolour sketch of the wood seen through the patio windows. After all, with the company we've got today, there's no chance of the conversation dragging!

White Nights watercolours

White Nights Watercolours

In fact, while I've got my new watercolour box out I might as well paint swatches of my 24 colours (twice the number I've had in the previous boxes) on the pre-printed piece of thick watercolour paper supplied with the box.

It's a useful record of the colours but the real work of art turns out to be the paper serviette on which I've been cleaning my Aqua-Flo Brush (you can fill the squeezy plastic handle with water).

The mums think it could be turned into a design for a silky batik outfit. Next Page

Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk

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