p.m.A summer evening is a lovely time to draw but
I've usually finished my day's drawing by now. It's a more reflective
time; quieter and somehow more suited to drawing than the bustle
and bluster of the day. Suited to a different type of drawing.
got blackbirds singing in stereo; one from the
wood and another from the garden next door. There are still bees
buzzing around; I saw a red-tailed bumble-bee earlier
working over the chive flowers.
I don't remember having seen so many yellow flag iris
in previous summers but that's probably not surprising as they are
now occupying a quarter of the area of the pond.
wood pigeon flies up to the oak with wheezy wing-beats.
We've got six brilliantly scarlet flowers on the poppy,
each the size of a large teacup. The 'pepper-pot' seed capsule in
the centre of the flower is decorated with a spindly starfish pattern,
picked out in dark purple velvet, like embroidery on a Victorian
Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk |