The Start of the Season
Sunday 30th
April 2000
Nature Diary
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TODAY Small Tortoiseshells are on the wing and the first (well, our first) Orange Tips have appeared.
Cuckoo Flower (a food plant for the orange tip caterpillar) is back in flower in the marshy area in Thornhill Park.
The cricket season has started again.Walking under the flowering cherries at the boundary of the pitch is like walking through an impressionist painting. Each blossom, each modulation of colour, appears the size of a brushstroke.
'This is our den!' a proud young boy calls to us. His older brother pokes his head up over the 'secret' construction of blanket and fence panel, as if he's thinking 'Who's he telling now!'

Richard Bell, wildlife illustrator
E-mail; 'richard@daelnet.co.uk'
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