Diary Rocks
Home Page I take a rake and, carefully, so as not to puncture the liner, pull out the surplus vegetation. What looks like a delicate growth of surface plants hides a mass of roots, like a mattress of vermicelli, which fills half the pond. It doesn't take long to rake it to the sides, where I leave it so that any pond creatures have a chance to find their way back into the water. I'm glad to get it out now. Over the winter it would have rotted down into a matted layer that would have been more difficult to remove. It's good to see the water again and let light and air get to the pond. A few handfuls of pondweed (left) get raked out too, but I throw them back in to oxygenate the water. It has been shaded out by the floating plant so I feel I now want it to build up a bit to keep the pond in balance.
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