
Rear Window

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Wednesday 5th January 2000

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'White-tail' IT'S RARE for me not to feel like drawing. This bout of flu is as bad as anything I can remember. I don't feel like writing, or reading, or even watching television.

It's not until late afternoon that I feel well enough to sketch the view from the window.

'White-tail', the blackbird that nested in the hedge last year, is still with us.

Rear Window is probably my favourite Hitchcock film, certainly more so than The Birds. In my present situation I can feel some sympathy for the James Stewart character, who is stuck indoors convalescing. Hitchcock uses close observations of mundane events, such as the behaviour of a dog, the growth rates of flowers and daily cycles of activity, seen from one viewpoint in a limited setting, a backyard in fact, to unfold a tale of mystery, violence and intrigue.

blue titRather like compiling a wildlife sketchbook.

Although I don't see Grace Kelly wearing a woolly hat and an anorak.

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

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