Wild West Yorkshire nature diary
pond skater pond snail


Monday 22nd May 2000
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kingcups John S. goes birding kingcups seedpods
KINGCUPS, also known as Marsh Marigold, have set seed by the pond. The seedheads remind me of the jester's hat that a morris-dancing friend of mine wears . . . when we go out birdwatching in winter.

creeping buttercup leaves The Creeping Buttercup growing nearby has a similar arrangement for its seedhead but it is smaller and resembles a miniature Horse Chestnut (conker) seed capsule.

pond skater pond snail There are increasing numbers of Pond Skaters on the small area of the pond which isn't covered by floating vegetation. They are spread out at about the same intervals as footballers on a pitch. I can't imagine that any insect that became stranded on the surface film could remain there for more than a second or two without being discovered.

Pond Snails graze the pondweeds and pebbles or cling to leaves that have fallen into the water.

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

E-mail; 'richard@daelnet.co.uk'

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