
Hips and Haws

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Wednesday 13th October 1999

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mist over the meadow IT'S NOT UNTIL MID-MORNING that the sun climbs far enough above the wood to shine on the meadow. Gentle swirls of mist rise from the dewy grasses, backlit by the sun.

dog rose hips Frosts overnight have withered the leaves on the fleshier-leaved plants such as the Himalayan Balsam by the stream in the wood, which is now a stand of canes, with tufts of seed capsules.

Dog Rose bushes have lost their leaves, making the shiny red hips show up all the more.

hawthorn leaf haws Some Hawthorn bushes still retain their leaves, which have a tendency to turn yellow, other bushes are mainly bare, the branches dotted with sprays of berries.

rosebay willowherb The red and yellow leaves of Rosebay Willowherb are beginning to shrivel, but some of seed capsules are still bursting with downy seeds.

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

E-mail; 'richard@daelnet.co.uk'

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