Tracking ShotBecause of creative differences with Hubley the film's producer Michael Rosen took over the direction of the film. Hubley, who had a playful way with animation, had been interested in my sketchbook approach and, looking at a drawing of mine of a hawthorn branch, suggested that parts of the film might be done just in that way; as a sketchbook page against a white background, the rabbits moving around the page. In contrast Martin insisted that the drama of the story was his over-riding concern and he directed it almost as if he was directing a live-action film; to him too much experimentation with playful animation styles would be a distraction for the audience.
The panorama above was a tracking shot. As the camera moved along the foreground from left to right the background, seen through holes cut where the burrow entrances are drawn, moved in the opposite direction, giving the impression that the camera was moving around the visiting band of rabbits, who are feeding in the main chamber of the warren, watching them from the shadows, like the strange, unsettling inmates of Cowslip's warren. As I say, I was a background artist and I never worked on the rabbits
themselves (apart from a few sketches of wild rabbits, drawn at Hubley's
request) and the looping cartoon (above, right) is something I
drew for fun, years later, to explore the possibilities of the animated