photographs were was taken with a digital camera, using my Optolyth
30 x 75 telescope set up on a small tripod on my desk to project
the image onto a piece of card. In the first photograph the sun's
disk isn't quite circular because I had to hold the camera slightly
to one side of the eyepiece.
Because I'm using the projection method the image is upside down:
the planet was actually passing in front of the southern hemisphere
of the sun, moving from right to left.
For the 11 a.m. photograph I improved my projection set-up by shading
most of the studio window with a sheet of hardboard, towels and
a few sheets of black paper. The sun was higher now so I projected
from the desk down onto a piece of card propped on a chair, which
gave me more elbow room to lean over with my camera.
As with the first image I've increased the contrast on the computer
in Photoshop and I've skewed them to try and get a more
circular shape.