morning at 6 it's the tawny owl that kicks off the dawn
chorus. As it gradually gets lighter the blackbird goes
through his routine; already he seems to be improvising with expressive
nuances coming into the song and some rich, fruity notes.
Snowdrops are at their best. Chaffinches
flit about on the quarry path.
Hollow Meadows?
we've been out to the Peak District I make this sketch of a large oil
painting (about 2ft 6in x 2ft) that hangs in my Mum's lounge, over the
fireplace, of a scene that she tells me is probably 'Hollow Meadows' (not
sure how you spell that) which, if she remembers correctly, is somewhere
near the south-east end of the Strines.
It was painted in the early 1920s by Ernest Bowler,
a painter who was based in Castleton.
I thought that I'd draw it and, if I get the chance, I'll ask around
when I'm in the Peak District to see if I can track down the viewpoint.
There's a small pool behind the flowering gorse in the foreground, but
it appears to be so small that it may well have been colonised by sedges
during the last 80 years.
A quick search on Google reveals no link to this Ernest Bowler so I'd
be interested to hear from you if you know anything about the artist,
or about the precise location of the view. 
Richard Bell, richard@willowisland.co.uk |