Raised Bog
Thursday 20th September 2001, Austria |
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RED ADMIRALS have gathered around the Damsons that have fallen onto a table in orchard of the Jausenstation Berger, the small country pub at Eggmühe, to t he north of Lake Fuschl. Two of the butterflies pirouette around each other in the sunlight while another is chased from the fruit on which it's feeding by a wasp.
At the lower end of the lake a sign by the nature reserve explains the stage in the formation of a raised bog;
- a temporary lake gradually silts up
- marsh plants move in and peat formation begins
- peat builds up until the central area forms a gentle dome
It appears that trees have colonised the centre of the raised bog here.

Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator
E-mail; 'richard@willowisland.co.uk'
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