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Cotoneaster and Rowan

Tuesday 25th September 2001, West Yorkshire

shield bugWHILE WE were away, a storm brought down the Cotoneaster trained up the front of our house. It seems to be a favourite refuge for green Shield Bugs; after tying back the stems I spiderfind that one of them has climbed onto me. I gently transfer it to the grass on the lawn but later I see another that hasn't had such a lucky escape. It too was probably dislodged from its resting place on the cotoneaster but it headed for our bottle green garage door where it was caught by a spider - a brown striped one, less than half its size - that has its lair below the lock.

Later I notice the discarded bug hanging from a thread of silk.

blackbirds feeding on crab applesblackbirdThe leaves of a garden Rowan are turning gold. Blackbirds are feasting on the scarlet berries. next page

Richard Bell
Richard Bell,
wildlife illustrator

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